The Wharf
A photo of the inner harbor from the wharf. This is one of the busiest airports in Canada. We also have boats and ferries here. It can get quite busy. I have never heard of an accident happening here, though.
One of the house boats at the wharf. There are a few of them in this 'marina'. This is one of the places to get food that was closed for the season.

I was out in the garden for a couple of hours today. The leaves are raked off the paths and most of the perennials are cut back. While cleaning up, I found that Elvis, my gold fish, died. He had a good long life for a fish, I think. In consideration of my resolve to make the garden easier care, I removed the water feature where Elvis lived. I put the lily into this spot. It needs a bit of work yet. I was totally tired by the time I dug the bottomless lily pot down a bit and removed the water feature. I think it looks good, although the terracotta, bottomless old pot that holds the oriental lily looks quite bright at the moment, among all the browns and greens. The wood around the half barrel that held Elvis's tub was beginning to rot so it is gone into the compost bin. I think this compost service accepts old boards of the half barrel size.
Just a few more days until they get the new site moved to dot net. I can hardly wait!! I will post the address as soon as possible.
Good photos and I like the colors.
Elvis has left the pond ... R.I.P.
Elvis lives on my facebook. I grabbed a you tube of an old act of his and a couple others. From young to just before the end. Interesting how much his first act doing 'Hound dog" resembles Michael Jackson stuff.
Both OD! Leads my mind into all kinds of speculations.
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