Thursday, October 08, 2009


We had a glorious sunset last night. I did not get out of the house to shoot it though. This is from my dining room window. Too bad about the power lines. There is a glimpse of the Olympic mountains in the distance.

I pottered about in the garden for a bit. The front is fairly clean. I am getting those violets under control. The moss garden and the stone path at the back need my attention, next. We have been having a week of very nice Autumn weather.

I have finished reading Three Cups of Tea which is an amazing story about Greg Mortenson building schools for the poor people high in the mountains of Pakistan after the people of the village of Korphe save his life when he lost his way coming down from a climb to K2 in a weakened condition. His determination to build these schools against all odds and with no money reminds me of Cyrus building the new site with the same kind of perseverance and determination.

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