Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The wars go on....

Israel is not going to agree to a ceasefire. The UN has not passed the ceasefire bill just yet. Canada is being considered as a source for some peace keeping troops in Southern Lebanon. I don't think this is going to happen.

I have been out picking a few blackberries. Picked beans and peas and had some of all of this for supper tonite. Very good fresh stuff.

They have cut down the big trees along before the bridge. The country lane appearance has been ruined by the missing trees. The Queen Anne's lace look nice everywhere. The grass has gone golden since we have not had much rain. People have been dumping grass clippings and crap along the River side of Loenholm Road. Its fish habitat and there are fines for that kind of littering. People can be so ignorant. At least we have stopped Mrs. P and the dummy across Grange from dumping.

The City of Colwood seem to be putting a walk light in at Carey Road and Grange. The people race along Carey and so to cross over to the Park from the trail is getting rather dangerous. They will be finishing the trail -- Brian and the people beside him have to move at the end of the year -- and then the trail will be finished across the street from our house.

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