Monday, December 15, 2008

June Flowers

When we got home from our trip to Russia on June 2, we both had vicious colds. My garden was glorious, though. I imagine I missed quite a bit in May! I only took a few photos in June, though, as I seemed to have been unable to get out and otherwise busy. There were also lots of weeds that I am just now getting around to cleaning up.

We still have snow now and the weathermen say it will be here for another week to ten days. I made a scrumptious seafood chowder from left over salmon, a bit of red snapper, shrimp, carrots, celery, onion, potatoe. We have a meal of it frozen for another day. I made apple pancakes, bacon and eggs for dinner and enjoyed it thoroughly, too. Pat was out with the car to various places today, so the snow has not slowed him down too much in that regard.

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