Friday, November 27, 2009

hedge textures

Textures of the yew hedge, the boxwood hedge and the lichens on the plum tree caught my eye. Too bad about the twigs but I could not avoid them and don't think my photoshoping abilities are good enough to remove them without a trace.

I raked leaves, and Bill from next door mowed my bit of grass at the front, as well as picked up the leaves with the mower. The tree still has more leaves, for me to use as mulch. I dug out a few more violets from the moss garden. The ones that are still there sure do stick out like a sore thumb. I see the snowdrops have started to show leaves about 2 inches high already.

There was a thin sheet of ice on the water table this morning, so I guess it is winter even though not officially! My yellow chrysanthemum is still in bloom. It sits right by the window so is probably a few degrees warmer.

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