Saturday, August 25, 2007

Victoria Grid Project H 31 August

On Thursday after my Doctor's appointment, I walked around part of the area that is in the Victoria Grid Project for August. I spent about 4 hours shooting. It was a very nice warm day. The sun was really too bright for really good shots. The Group has some very nice night shots posted. I have some photos from this area from June that I will load to my grid folder after August, or whenever I get them resized and ready for the web. I am going to try to stay under the 30 photos limit for the month that I have set for myself, to load to the group. I have 6 already and have just started to look at the stuff. We are allowed 50 at the moment.

We had a very early start today as the Guys wanted to get Dan's truck into the lineup for the 3:00 coho ferry. After getting the truck into the lineup Pat drove us all about to find a nice place for breakfast. After finally Paul's open and after breakfast we toured some more around town. I did not get anything in photos that are really worthwhile, but I do have some ideas of where to go, if ever.....yeah, if ever I get the time.

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