Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Land of the Living Skies #2

Golden prairie - one of my favourites.
Posts and bales.
There seems to be more hawks around on the prairies now. This is the closest I got to one though.
Prairie grass and black eyed susan
The ferris wheel. Too bad about the tree screening it.
The valley.. not sure which river or creek or canal this might be.

July 31st was a good day for photos. We made photo stops for coffee breaks. We are on our way home now, so are not touring too far off the highway.

At home was another lovely day. I cleaned up the filter on the pond pump, but did not get the large filter out of the pond yet. Topped up the pond and watered around a bit. We have been eating plums with mango frozen yogurt. As usual, I think, more plums have fallen to the ground than we have been able to use. There is no rumpot this year. Perhaps next year I should try just plums and blackberries in a rum pot.

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