Thursday, May 05, 2011


A photo from our trip to the US SW.  This is in White Sands desert.  Its amazing how much vegetation there is and how the plants adapt to their conditions. 
Tomorrow I should get all my stuff back.  My new hard drives seem to have had some kind of flaw.  I will have new ones tomorrow.  This is my techie's best treatment for the problem.  He tested my old hard drives, but they passed all the tests.  And yet, when we went to clean up the drive the program he used could not get the job done.  So, the tests are not always right.   Poor guy, he doesn't know I am an alien.  I seem to have these detrimental effects on all things magnetic.  I am going to keep using my old monitor as the wide screen HD was making me crazy.  I could use both, if I had a wider desk.  Right now, I would need to uplug one and plug in the other if I want to watch movies... yeah right, like I have time to watch movies. 
I spent 3 hours in the garden today under a cloudy sky that was threatening rain.  I got quite a bit of cleaning up done in the bed along between our driveways done.  I dug out weeds and moved some of the dirt to the beds on the otherside of the driveway.  I have cleaned  from the end of the cedar hedge to the telephone post.  I next need to clean up the Virginia creeper that goes up the post, and the St. John's wort that surrounds this creeper.  My green compost bin is full, so any more clippings and weeds will need to be added to next month.
I made a start on the woodland garden cleanup.  I have weeded out the iris bed.  It needs some fine tuning yet and the addition of compost.  The beds along beside the garage on both sides of the sidewalk need more attention, too.  The tulips I planted last Fall are up and nearly open.  There is bird seed weeds in this bed. I will have to ask Andy to stop feeding the birds over the beds, unless he wants to weed them.  Dammit!
The woodland along the other side of the garage is looking terrific.  The plants just thrive when I add compost to them.  I currently have only 3 bags of compost left.  I am using some to fill the pots I have up on the deck again.  So far I have the butterfly garden in one, the tulips and basil in another.  I have a Japanese quince in one, but am not sure if this will survive.  I added the parsley into the same blue pot it was in last year. 
I seem to be waking up at about 5:00 am every morning.  I set at my front window and watch the birds and other critters in my front garden and across the street.  We have quite a lot of birds ... lately the Alaska robin pair have been in the front, and a pair of ruffous sided townhees.

I am reading another book by Phillipa Gregory about Mary Queen of Scots.  It interesting.  This is a different twist to the story. 

1 comment:

Benjamin Madison said...

A striking photo!