Sunday, September 10, 2006

First Post to New Beta Blogger

Here goes the first post on my blog after trying to figure out how to get my site feed settings right so that the photos show up on VFXY properly.

This is a problem for me as I am not very knowledgeable about HTML and have *nada* CSS knowledge. I shall have to learn to make my own blog on my own domain. Not today, though.

Here goes anyway. VFXY may have to rethink including my present blog in their site. SIGH. I really like the place, but if I am going to be a nuisance they might as well send me to Conventry.

This problem is about as prickly as that plant. This is one of the photos I will be adding to my walk - Fall on my web site page.

Hope this works, for now.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

The comment did not seem to register... second try.