Sunday, April 02, 2006

The price was right

When Trevor was over to look at Pat's computer stuff, he mentioned that he had an old desk and did we want it? Just for the taking. I said yes, so they unloaded it into the garage. Pat and Andy brought it upstairs and Pat got to work on it shortly thereafter. We found we needed some hardware and paint. Next day we went to get the rails & wheels, handles and paint - with a nice walk up the galloping goose trail to the creek/rapids below Nob Hill. I did not have my camera. We got home and Pat put the rails in the desk and I painted the drawer fronts. Today, I sanded and painted again.

Last Monday, Dan had been over to get his Smart Car parts and well, there is another sheep. Pat brought 2 home when they had them in stock in a couple of days. While waiting for the paint to dry I shot the sheep and we sent the photos off to them, in the continuing saga of the sheep. I really should add this to my series page.

I just finished reworking the pages with the new series; that total 18, and loading them. If I add the sheep saga I should come up with another one for the series. This shouldn't be hard, as my photography is all over the board. I cannot seem to settle down to doing any one thing. Today there was a short article about Man Hole Covers in the newspaper, so I feel like I am on the right track with that series.

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