Sunday, December 02, 2018

November fruit, pond and a bird

 golden delicious apple on November 1st
 The tree was full of apples this year.  As of December 1st the leaves have all fallen and are raked up. The apples are brought in for processing into  apple sauce, apple pie or anything else we can think of to do with them. 
 The fig tree, also now has dropped all its leaves and most of the fruit that did not ripen in time.  We had a few figs to eat.  I need to clean up under the tree and put down some bone meal for the bulbs and other plants under this tree.
 A view of the plant just under the edge of the deck with the lantern and the small cedar in the foreground.  The moss in the moss garden is now nicely green with all the rain we have had recently.  The leaves and other weeds and debris need to be cleaned off the moss. 
 a view of the water hawthorn, the mermaid and the waterfall corner of the pond.  I have been skimming the leaves off the  pond regularly.  The waterfall has needed attention as critters in the garden seem to move the rocks around a bit now and then.
The water hawthorn is putting on a great show.  We have had a very warm November and so this plant is blooming marvelously.
 A close up of the water hawthorn blossom on November 1st.
A close up of the Anna's humming bird at the feeder on November 13th.  I have been keeping the feeder filled and there seems to have been at least two of the birds coming to dine.  I rather like the bit of back lighting on this hummer.

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