Monday, August 11, 2008

Tallin, Estonia - Baltic Countries Coach Tour - May 25

In the afternoon of this day we tour an outdoor museum of the old homes, old crafts, thatched houses, etc. The museum borders on the Baltic Sea. There were some wonderful views. Back to the hotel then out to a Medevel dinner. Very good food and great atmosphere. We are buying water at $2.00 a bottle from Uri our bus driver. We don't seem to have time or the inclination to buy it at a store and carry it around. Still have my nasty cold. But this is nothing to the disasters happening around the world at this time. -- China earthquakes, US South and Mid-west cyclones, Myanar earthquake; and that is just the weather, not to mention mankind's messes.
Estonia is big in the IT field. I believe Skype originated here.

Not much at home today. Out looking a carpets and 'educating ourselves' about them, so says himself.

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