Friday, April 27, 2012

April in the Garden

 Bergenia Cordifolia had some nice blooms earlier.  Then a couple of days ago I noticed the blooms were cut off, as though some one had taken them off with a scissors or a pruner.  The leaves are looking pretty nice, except that something is taking big chomps out of them  There are more alpines blooming in this little rockery area at the front.  Photos soon, I hope.
 The beautiful white daffodil is a new one I planted last Fall.  Wish I saved the name of it.  It is in the back in the woodland area.  The trilliums should be blooming in front of it, but they seem to have disappeared this year.  Could it be the compost I put on them?  They were doing so very well last year.

 The arabis in the container and along the driveway strip is doing very well this year.  It looks so good in the spring and has a long bloom period.  Then the leaves are ever green.  An easy very nice plant.
 I was disgruntled with the performance of the contest on Megashot and felt inclined to express my opinion.  This little dog was fiercely defending his doorstep in Tongli where we went for lunch and a sampan ride in the canals.  I added the hydrant... which will be going into my collection of hydrants for my web page someday. 
This is one of the photos from an evening's entertainment on the ship.  The costumes and lighting effects were stupendous.  Of course it was all in Chinese, so we had to make up our own stories... although, the MC, Aaron did provide a bit of an explanation at each set. 

This morning I was greeted in my email by a notice of some spam on my 'free' blog on my webpage.  I had to search around about how to access this 'easy' blog and finally got to it.  While I was there I removed over 100 spams that had been languishing on it.  No doubt it will be filled up again in no time.  It is called Out on a limb and since I was there I managed to do a post to it, as well.  I see GoDaddy is using this free blog for advertising.  I don't see any revenue from it.  I might dump the thing, next it gives me bother.

Now, today I find that Blogger thinks it is doing me a big favour by improving this blog.  Well, I don't see a lot of difference.  Just enough to confuse me.  I have no idea why they need to make us change things every second minute.  ... more bother.

I am finally getting over my stomach problems and this vicious cold I have had.  I am reading pocket books voraciously.  Even thinking about going back to hard copy of my garden journal.  It was relaxing to write it up and was easy to keep track of plant names and expenditures.  I have a garden journal on this computer... but have not kept it up, either. 

In some ways this infernal machine makes things easier but it also seems to add more and more things to do!! 

Our group from the trip have a private album on photobucket where we 'share' our photos.  So far I have 61 added and I am only adding a fraction of what I took.  Others have hundreds added ... no processing, just upload.  So good shots, actually, too.

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