Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The water garden in early November

 this is the stepping stones that go around the fig tree and lead into the rest of the back garden.
 the view of the renovated pond area.  I have the willows off the deck and placed around the pond. 
The mossy rocks around the waterfall.  Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees at the back and have been skimmed off the water, now.  The moss is coming along nicely on the waterfall rocks. 

 Zoomed in on the water hawthorn in bloom. 
 The fig tree was loaded with figs.  We had over 100 of them to eat.
 Playing with the different settings on my camera last summer.  The black and white.
I have no idea how I got this one, but that is how it looked right out of the camera.  Just a bit of saturation added. 

I moved the orange trees into the house today.  We are getting cooler nights and days, now.  The trees need fertilizing.  The leaves are all yellow.  They are suppose to be an ever green citric tree.  

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