Sunday, December 31, 2006
Sunspots and flares
I love this flare. I was shooting at Victoria's famous hanging flower baskets. I was in the shade of a building but the sun must have been just peeking over the roof line. This would be available in larger size for printing. Email me if you want a copy. :)
Posted by
12/31/2006 10:27:00 PM
Guard Cat of Elizabeth Street
On my walk today I saw this magnificant cat at the gate of its home on Elizabeth Street. It was huge, and sitting for its portrait. I zoomed my S3 IS to the 12X max and shot it. Had I been closer, I think the cat would have ran, but I was still on the walking trail which was at least 300 feet away. I got a few good duck photos today, but nothing spectacular.
Posted by
12/31/2006 08:49:00 PM
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Its the time of the year for reflecting on what I have accomplished or not accomplished in trying to achieve my goals over the past year. Its been a good year for travel, photography and gardening. Small accomplishments in all three hobbies let me feel good about what I have accomplished. There is always room for improvement, of course. I think setting goals that are realistically within my capabilities to achieve, helps me to be satisfied with what I am doing.
I am thinking about more work for my website: I rather like these "under construction" pages that I am making. I will want to keep each of them as I finish each album. So, I hope to make a page with thumbnails for each category of them (Gardening, travel, etc.) on the page. I hope to have the thumbnails open to each 'under construction' page. I want to learn how to make thumbnails open to the larger page. That is one goal for my computer/web page/blog hobby.
In my garden, I want to make better edging around my pond. Perhaps a levelled edge of cement, with the rocks set into this cement edge. I want to get netting for the pond also, so the critters stop eating my fish, and I can attempt to have koi again. I might need to hire a landscaper to do this edging for me. We have 2 Landscape companies within blocks of my house, so I must see them about costing this out. Also, I need a new pump for the pond, as the ice seemed to have killed my pump. I need a new compost bin and I need to clean up the woodland area. The firethorn needs to be trimmed away back.. maybe taken out entirely. It grows rapidly, so I think keeping it properly pruned back might be best, as I like the berries and so do the robins. The new lawn mower has been a real time saver. Having put my vegetable garden back to a cultivated garden with good paths, from the mess it was in has been a good thing from last year, too. My little rock garden is slowly expanding and might grow out and take over the bit of vegetables I attempt to grow. Growing vegetables for me is not really a viable project, as I am away from home, too much. My front garden is going to have more small evergreens added, too, to cut down on the care of the perennials that get looking pretty scraggly when I am away, or too busy to do them. But I do like the time spent, when I get out in the garden. Its a trade off, I guess. Perhaps as I get things more streamlined, it will take less labor time and more time for enjoyment. I must get rid of the violets, as they are so invasive and get into everywhere they should not be. They look good in spots where they are... I think I will kill them all at the front and move them to the woodland for an easy care carpet back there.
We are now taking Fall and Spring trips. There is no lack of inspiration for places to go see next. We are thinking of the Spring trip as another camper van excursion to the dessert -- perhaps as far south as New Mexico this spring.. probably March, the way our calendar is looking so far. We already have commitments on into February, before we can leave on our trip.
I have my new Canon Powershot S3 IS camera to play with for now. And lots of Adobe photoshop stuff to learn. I am again waiting for the new sensors that they might develop for the cameras using the 64 bit technology - whatever that is -- more data, I think, in the photos. No doubt the old lenses will still fit the new camera bodies. Interesting stuff happening in photography. Everything seems to change just over nite. Its a bit of a snare and a delusion to chase the newest technology, though. There are some very good pictures being made now, as is by the professionals and learned amateurs. I must learn to use my Hassie, sometime, too. I think I am still afraid of breaking something. Or maybe the learning curve is just too steep for me. Digital is soooooo easy, and well... good enough, for me. And that is why I will never go beyond the level of hobbiest with my photography. Its a comfortable spot. I don't feel a big need to achieve fame and fortune or be competitive with this hobby. I do it for fun. When and if it gets to be work, I will stop doing it.
Posted by
12/30/2006 02:47:00 PM
Friday, December 29, 2006
Man hole covers and Fire Hydrants
The utility plate that will be representing my under construction page for 'man hole covers' on my web site.
This will be titled "A working man" in my album for Fire Hydrants on my web page.
Posted by
12/29/2006 05:07:00 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I just like the graphics of this shot. It is two of the bridges in Budapest. I am slowly getting the 'under construction' pages completed for the uncompleted albums on my web page.
Posted by
12/28/2006 04:03:00 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Teddy Bears
I am slowly getting my 'under construction' pages finished. I have 22 of them to do on the 'photography' page. This photo will be on the 'bears' page, of course.
Ralph phoned tonite. Everyone in Winnipeg is fine. All working far too hard. The twins are home from the hospital and are doing fine.
I spent most of the afternoon downloading a photo album creating program, and learning how to use it. Its a nice little program. I have lots more to learn on it yet, though. JAlbum is the name of it.
Posted by
12/27/2006 12:55:00 AM
Labels: Teddy Bears
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The wind was blowing in great gusts on the 24th and whipping my bamboo over to the ground while the cedar hedge remained more upright. I like the contrast in the motion blur.
I took this photo before the POW on this week. I am not too sure if I care for the panning on the POW shot to make the whole photo a blur. I think I prefer this real motion blur. But I am not going to spend anytime arguing the point on PN. Some people consider photoshopped stuff like that to be 'art'. What am I missing?
Posted by
12/26/2006 11:43:00 PM
Labels: wind
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A collage of foxgloves from close to farther away. The size of the oval frames diminishes slightly as you go farther away. This was fun to do.
Posted by
12/24/2006 03:29:00 PM
I have a lot to learn about making macros, so my macros album on my website is empty for now. The S3 IS canon has an available add on up close lens. It also has macro and super macro settings, that I need to learn how to use properly.
Posted by
12/24/2006 10:51:00 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
A photo of the Wilkinson Road Jail (our neighbourhood castle) as it is today for the 'Documentary' album of my website.
Posted by
12/23/2006 11:01:00 PM
Not star trails
A colorful panning shot that I am using as the photo on my 'under construction' page for the album 'motion' on my website.
Posted by
12/23/2006 10:40:00 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Time Exposures and Star Trails
This was taken with my Canon Elan 7e with Fujichrome Velvia 50. I had set up my camera on my back deck for aproximately 8 hours. There is too much light from the neighbours windows. The foreground needs more interest. I am not sure how to get a tighter circle of the trails. I was using my 28 - 135 lens, zoomed a bit, I think. I should probably use the 50mm lens.
This was taken with my Canon Elan 7e, set to shoot the tail lights of cars going up the winding street. The street lights are just a bit too bright, or, perhaps I should be shooting when it gets totally dark out. This was taken just after sundown and there was still some light in the sky. Its a bad scan on my old flatbed scanner.
Posted by
12/21/2006 09:02:00 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Another page for my 'under construction' albums. This one is for Animals. Not sure if its a frog or a toad.
Posted by
12/20/2006 06:50:00 PM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hollyhocks - Actually its FOXGLOVES, thanks, Cyndie
Posted by
12/19/2006 08:17:00 PM
Labels: B.C., flowers, foxglovers, gardening, hollyhocks, Victoria
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday Harbor
Using my Holga 120S with color film of some kind to shoot Friday Harbor, on the San Juan Island. This was from last year's December celebration with Dan and Irene.
Posted by
12/17/2006 10:14:00 PM
Labels: Friday Harbor, Holga, San Juan Island
Sunny Summer
This photo is a scan of a slide (on my Epson 4870 scanner) of Fujichrome Velvia 50. Its a rose in my front garden.
I am getting a few more of my 'under construction' pages finished. There are 55 under photography to do and I have finished 5 so far. Most of these albums are going to be small. So, once I get started doing them, it should not take too long to finish this 'photography' page. They will probably be updated, also, as I improve my photography skills -- I hope.
Posted by
12/17/2006 09:29:00 PM
Labels: Canon Elan 7e, gardening, roses, Velvia 50
Friday, December 15, 2006
Saltspring Island
On Dec.13 we took our friends to Saltspring Island. After breakfast at home we dashed for the ferry arriving in plenty of time, of course. We had a good day for driving from one end of the island to the other. Lunch at the hotel was scrumptious. Later on, after some shopping and more sight seeing we had hot chocolate at the cafe at Vesuvius (ferry terminal that goes over to Crofton) There was big storm clouds moving in as I took this photo from the deck of the cafe. I could not quite capture of moody, foreboding light of the sky. After our lovely day on Saltspring we caught the ferry back and had dinner at Fonbo's.
The next day we shopped at Capital Iron, went to the Imax theatre, had lunch at the Swiss Chalet (scrumptious chicken soup), then home. Irene and I make an apple pie and I prepared the cabbage rolls and salad for supper. Jim brings over Pat's copy of the second book of his series. Was a good day but very nasty and rainy weather, with high winds over night. We lose our hydro power for about 3 hours. Very fortunate compared to all the other reports of damage to homes and vehicles from the wind. In the morning Dan and Irene pack and we take them down to catch the Co-ho ferry home.
Posted by
12/15/2006 10:08:00 PM
Labels: Saltspring Island, Vesuvius
Eat Week
Shot with my S3 IS on 11 Dec. 1/160 sec. F/2.7 -0.67 exposure compensation.
Friends were to visit for what is becoming our annual 'celebration' week. I am calling it eat week because it seems we had some pretty good meals this week. Dinner at my place (with Ruby and Steve) on the 10th, after seeing Urinetown at the Belfry. On the 11th we went up to Chemainus and could not get into the theatre. It was pouring rain, so we just had a coffee and went on. Stopped in Ladysmith for a look at the Christmas lights, then on up to Nanaimo and stayed at my favourite hotel, the Dorchester. Nice evening meal in the dining room. After breakfast in the morning we went on to Englishman River Falls. The park was closed due to all the storm damage. We walked in anyway and got a look at main big Falls. We did not walk around as it would have probably been too dangerous. The bridge was shaking, the waterfall was roaring, mist flying everywhere. Wow, what a sight! We walked back to the car and carried on to Coombs. It was closed, as the power was out. No shopping! The goats were not on the roof but down in their winter pasture. After lunch at Parksville White Spot, we drove home with a stop at Harry & Jimmy's shop. Guy stuff! The weather on this day - 12th was better, but not great. Home in the dark and stop at Romeo's for pizza for dinner. Continued on my next post.
Posted by
12/15/2006 04:31:00 PM
Labels: British Columbia, Englishman River Falls, Vancouver Island
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Under Construction pages for my web page
This is for the Antique autos album (under construction) of my web page.
I have finished the "Travel" under construction pages.
I will have guests for the next few days, so probably won't get anything loaded to my blog, or anything done on my web site. It will be fun to see our friends. I have prepared a few things ahead of time -- lasgne, cabbage rolls, shortbread, rum balls, christmas pudding, so that I can just warm things up and serve without the time spent to prepare, when we have been out site seeing, visiting, etc. I am looking forward to seeing them.
My husband's 1915 Model T Ford Speedster loaded to the Model Ts album, under Travel, of my web page.
John Lennon Rolls in the Museum when Linda McCarthy's photography was on display. This car, otherwise resides in the care of a local auto restoration shop. It belongs to the Museum, now. This was loaded to my under construction page for the RROC and BDC Travel page.
Posted by
12/09/2006 07:45:00 PM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Drop Shadows in Paintshop Pro
I spent an hour or two playing with the skew tool and the drop shadow effect in my old Paintshop Pro photo editor. I still use the PSP as it is more familiar to me than my PS CS. My drop shadows still need a bit of work. The skew tool needs a lot of work. I shall put this endeavor on the shelf for a while, until I get more work finished on my web page.
Posted by
12/06/2006 09:33:00 PM
Labels: blue glass, drop shadows, Fall colors, paintshop
Under construction pages for my website
This is a photo of the carved board walk over the rainforest trail leading into HotSprings Cove. We took Andy and Tara and their tent in the Dodge Lodge and drove to Tofino area to camp. We took a boat to the hotsprings, with a Beaver plane ride back. I have some not too bad Canon Elan 7e (35mm) photos that I will need to scan in when doing this album. Just 3 days but we did some interesting things.
This will be a sub-page listing the car events that we have attended with links to an album for each event. The photo attached is a tour called Island Challenge for 1927 and earlier cars held in September. It rains a lot in September on the Island.
Posted by
12/06/2006 07:46:00 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
More Under Construction pages for the Travel page on my website
This album is going to be grab shots of Vancouver when we are passing through or visiting friends. None of these trips have ever been photography oriented. Some day, though, I hope to do a couple or three days photo shoot over there.
Last week end we went to the British Motorcycle club's Christmas Party with Tom and Diane. Tom drove us through the Park after the dinner/dance. IN THE SNOW. This guy races antique motorcycles, so you can imagine the exciting ride we had. Was fun!
I have made the lasgne for this coming week-end when Dan and Irene come up for our annual celebration. There will be more baking to do. This is fun, too.
This photo is from our trip up the Nootka Sound on the working boat the Uchuck II in September of 1999. Pete and Audree came with us. This was taken with my old Olympus point and shoot camera. So, I have only a few photos to scan in for this album.
Posted by
12/05/2006 05:27:00 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
More under construction pages for my "travel" web page
Silver Star is a ski resort. Pat and Jim stop at Jim and Sheila's skihaus here on their way to the Red Deer Swap meet annually. Sheila sometimes drives us up to meet them at Silver Star on their way home. Its the end of ski season, at the beginning of May, though.
One of the murals of Chemainus. This town is on the way to Thetis Island. It is also a tourist destination since the Mill closed and the townspeople painted the murals, started funky cafes, bistros, art galleries, a dinner theatre, antique shops and many other interesting happenings.
This is clam bay just out the picture windows from our Friends' home on Thetis Island. A lovely spot to visit and true good friends to see.
About 10 days driving on logging roads and seeing some spectacular scenery in the North Vancouver Island. This is our old camper van at a lunch stop. We visited friends on the way up and back. Good trip!
This was a short, lovely trip on the Malibu Princess up the Sound to Chatterbox Falls. Travelling in our old camper van on the BC ferries to get there.
Posted by
12/03/2006 05:27:00 PM
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Under construction pages for Travel
Near Manitou, in Saskatchewan. At the campsite for the resort at Watrous, actually.
This one was shot with my 35mm Canon. I believe this is Kodak black and white film, tweaked in photoshop.
Spathe Falls, Wells Gray Park, B.C.
Posted by
11/30/2006 10:54:00 PM
Labels: British Columbia, Mountains, Prairies, Saskatchewan, Spathe Falls, wells grey park
More Under Construction pages for "Travel"
This is from our coach tour trip of Scotland and Ireland in 2004. Just another tourist snap. Love bagpipe music! I should find a good clip and attach it to this page... hmmmmmm. No wonder it takes me forever to get anything done in my web site.
This is a seaweed from Botanical Beach just outside of Port Renfrew. I could not find any exotic sea creatures to photo when we were last there. Port Renfrew was the first place we ever camped in our camper van. We had a spot right on the beach, a billion stars, and we had the place to ourselves. Heaven!! So this place holds a special place in my heart, but not in my photo albums, yet!
For anyone who has not read this before -- I am creating 'under contruction' pages for all of the unfinished albums on my web page. I have finished 18 under gardening and have completed 6 of the 18 from Travel. Photography will be a LOT of them, and so will My Town. So, I have barely started this latest pursuit in my chaotic on line life.
Posted by
11/30/2006 10:17:00 PM
Under construction pages for Travel
This one is from our trip in the Camper van down the West Coast US and over to the Grand Canyon. I was shooting in RAW format so it will be a while until I finish this album. Its too much fun to play in the RAW converter and I seem to spend ages at it.
This one is of one of the locks of the Panama Canal.(2006 Fall) My first trip out for the Canon S3 IS. I am getting better at holding it still without tripod (never take my tripod when we travel. I would never have time to set it up and use it, the way we travel)
Posted by
11/30/2006 09:34:00 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Gardening Under Construction pages
This finishes the under construction pages of the Gardening page of my web site. There were 18 of them on the gardening page. I also have 18 to do for the Travel page, next.
Posted by
11/27/2006 10:22:00 PM
Labels: gardening