Sunday, June 12, 2005

A few small accomplishments

a crooked path Posted by Hello

I have cleaned out the pond and cleaned up the adjoining 'Japanese Garden' area. There are about 4 four inch goldfish left, after the maurading otter and Parmar kids. AND a frog. I have not been able to get the amphibian's photo yet. I have 3 nice goldfish in the tub garden on the deck and 3 in the tub in the front. I feed the deck ones but the half barrel tub fish are rather shy about showing themselves. The white water iris is blooming nicely. The gorgeous one in the pond has 5 buds that are about to open. Can't wait to see this!! All the hard work has been worthwhile. This area now looks pretty good too. I am keeping the front under control also. The thyme is still blooming and the pink bush beside it. I must get a photo of this dark purple thyme and the pink bush. The visual and aromatic awards justify the work needed to accomplish this. Tara and Andy are feeding the birds so we have a lot of birds around the back. Wonder where all the butterflies are? Eaten by the birds?

On Wednesday Corey (from Davey Tree Expert) is going to be here to take the Virginia creeper off the telephone/hydro lines at the top, plus trim the storm damaged hedges and the eucalyptus, take out the pin oak (too close to garage & the other eucalyptus. The little nazi from telus was around to bully me into thinking I had to take the creeper completely off the pole when Beakins truck pulled the line down... like it was all the creepers fault. Well, its not even telus' pole we now find. The nazi's supervisor was around the same day and the next morning the nazi was back and hooked up the line again without all the bs. I think he needs retraining, or no contact with clients, at all.

I now have 8 albums finished. I have been doing a bit of sorting out of the garden photos. Mike, the webmaster from the Horts club gave me this website to look into: and Steve says he uses I must find time to learn this.

Tonite I was reading this forum on This should be fun

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