Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday

I have been rather busy with family and home with little time for playing on my blog.

I have learned how to access my web space on my isp but did not get much further than that with regard to building my web page there. I have a lot to learn about it yet and need some clear time without interruptions to look at it. This is not likely to happen in the next few days. :(

My delicate little yellow phalenopsis opened its flower 2 days ago. I have digital shots of it but have not got around to loading and editing the pictures yet. Its name is Golden Amboin "Corcoran"

I managed to get the pansies and few bedding plants planted yesterday and a whole lot of weeding done the day before. Their are hyacinths, daffodils and other spring bulbs in bloom. The magnolia trees are both blooming madly and smelling heavenly. They compete with the delicious fragrance of the clematis armandi that is on the back garage and is covered with blooms also.

A few days ago I moved the water tub back up to the deck. The fish survived the move and I now get to see it as long as the water stays clear. The little yellow water lily is beginning to show some growth.

Last nite I had a look at my old blogs on my ephotosite that I can no longer access. HA! I am considering reposting them here. I had some good information posted. like this: (hope it works) Record Snowfall

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