Sunday, August 08, 2010

Gardening in Summer

These are the little creeping campanulas that I have planted along the edge of the pond hoping that they will grow over the rock 'necklace' in this area.  They are probably 'carpactica'.
This is a few tall campanulas in the front rectangle bed by Parmar's driveway with the cedar hedge behind, the plum tree over top, and the small honeysuckle pilea hedge in front of them.  I have been cleaning the lemon balm out of the area in front of the little hedge and have now transplanted a couple of heleniums, a galardia and an agastache in there, just behind the lavender. The red current bush, some pussy toes (antennaria) and rose campion (lychnis) are also growing in the front of the little hedge by the plum tree. Both of these plants have silver fuzzy leaves and magenta flowers.  pussy toes are low growing and the rose campion is taller ... a nice combination. In the spring there are some very nice dutch iris here.  These plants should be 'butterfly' plants.  This rectangle area has peonies that are not doing well, a few montebretias, the limonium (sea lavender), self seeding malvas and the glustered bell flower (campanula glomerata), and the talll ones with wider flat bell flowers. I also have a day lily in this triangle. 
This is the clustered bell flower and the other tall one that grow in the triangle in the front street side of the hedge bed.
 This is a lovely little rock plant that I have had for years.  It is evergreen and has huge flat bell flowers.  It has a very long tap root, but I have moved it a couple of times and it still thrives.  I have added this piece of it to the little rockery by the vegetable garden and it is doing great.  I have another piece growing near the deck by the primula bed.  I have lost the name of it.  I should pot up a piece of it for the rock and alpine show and sale.. one year.
This is a closer shot of the tall bell flower.  I have more tall ones at the back, but their blooms are more narrow and definitely bell shaped.  No photos of them.  I think they are persicifolia.  2 days ago I cut back these campanuals as they had finished blooming..  They make a nice show in the bed  along the old sidewalk in the back garden..
Two days ago I received my water bill with a note on it to cut back the foliage around the water meter.  I was extremely annoyed.  This ugly water meter is in the front garden.  I have heathers growing around it.   The perennial bachelor buttons had spread all around it and were flopping over it.  I guess the meter reader does not know that they can set the top of the ugly cement box on these plants.  The heather are in bloom just now, so I did not have them cut back.  So, I went out and gardened for 4 hours.  I got my best heather moved closer to the little rock path.  I doubt if it will survive.  I did a lot of dead heading of perennials in the front and at the back.  I moved some of the Michaelmas daisies from the meter area to the back border under the holly tree.  I doubt if they will survive either.  I have been thinking about turning this area into a little gravel garden, leaving the two heathers in place and the birds nest spruce in place also.  I already have a little stone path into the meter but it has violets growing in it.  I guess the meter maid did not realize it could walk on these invasive plants.  I have rock roses and iberis and wall flowers between the little rock path and the driveway.  A heavy mulch of gravel might look good here.  There are many crocuses in the area that could be thinned out. I could dig out the path and the violets and reset the stones in a better formation around the meter box.  I might even have room  for one of my cement colored plastic planters.  So, maybe this is not such a big disaster.  I can always get a new heather of the one that I moved if it dies.  It is my favourite heather with golden foliage and mauve blooms.

Yesterday we had about half an inch of rain which is great for the garden.  I had watered around a bit the day before when I was transplanting things.
 I am waiting for my Google account to be approved and then I can start up the ads.  Hope it happens soon.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting the Adsense started!

Maggie said...

and congrats to you too!