Wednesday, May 06, 2009

April Showers in May

The apple tree is in bloom. The plum trees are finished blooming. I have not seen very many bees around this year. I hope our Island is not affected by the diseases that are diminishing the bee populations on the mainland to alarmingly low levels.

Along the old cement path along beside the garage the tulips are putting on a good show. They are also blooming on the other side of this path too, so that right now this path is lined with tulips. All these tulips that I thought I had lost are blooming all over the garden now. I could still use a few more at the front.
This is a rather colorful shot of the garden pond featuring the water hawthorn blooms in the reflection of the marsh marigold. I am keeping the pond topped up. The water fall looks good. the edging plants are filling in and some are growing over the rock edging. I must add compost to these plants to encourage more growth. The pond is going to look so much better without the rock necklace.
water hawthorn close up.
The water table on the deck showing some of the rain we were having yesterday. The tub on the deck needs to be topped up more than the rain is going to supply. I need to fill the blue pot with soil and plant something bright pink in it... petunias, perhaps. The little willow, the soldenella, the little bog plant with big blue trumpet flowers and a very nice little Primula marginata seem to have survived. I lost 2 or 3 other potted alpines, probably due to neglecting their watering needs.


Anonymous said...

I love the tours of your gardens. You are wise by spending as much time as possible in them, and your hard work shows. My strawberries are blooming, but the squirrels eat the fruit as soon as they begin pinking.

Anonymous said...

hi Ken
I do love being out there!
The exercise alone is good. You'll have to show us a photo of your strawberry patch. There must be some easy way to keep the squirrels out. A cat?

Anonymous said...

There are only 6 strawberry plants, not enough to make a harvest. The only plant they eat that we wish they would not is the iris bulbs. As much as I love them, I cannot have them. Just part of the great life cycle. :-)