Sunday, March 30, 2008

VCCC 50th party

Found this rusty crusty chain at the Ferry slip. I shall eventually load it to Flickr for the rusty crusty group.

Yesterday 48 of us piled into a big yellow school bus and Rob took us over to Vancouver and beyond to the Vintage Car Club of Canada's 50th anniversary celebration at the home of our hosts Terry and Donna. (the address and names shall go unannounced due to the scams on the internet) Thank you to Terry and Donna and the Vancouver chapter for the terrific setting, meal, chance to view the collection of classic autos, auto memorbilia, and so much more. I particularly enjoyed getting to visit some of the folks... EVERYONE was there... was wonderful. There were 600 people served at the barbeque. I enjoyed the fashion show. Unfortunately my photos of the cars did not turn out very well at all. I have a few good fashion show photos. I did not do any of the ceremony photos. Somehow, just didn't feel like doing that. I am sure this will all be reported in their magazine.. and their website and that will be the place to go to read about it. It was rather a long day, as we caught the bus at 9:00 am and got back home just about 11:00 pm.

I have spent today viewing my photos and deleting most of them. I found a Flickr Friend's Canon S3 IS video upland to the Vimeo site. So, had to try and do a quick movie on my camera. Man that sound is excellent. The Victoria Grid Project has their web page up... looks good Mike!
I spent quite a bit of time looking at YouTube and scanning their information on how to do videos. There is some fairly sophisticated clips and some regular home/vacation videos. Not sure how to get music to use, but for now will simply use the audio on my camera which is really very good. I doubt I will ever do anything more with the video aspect. I could do screen shot tutorials and dub in the audio using that feature on my camera. But no time for that now.

I have yet to resize a few more shots for the Victoria Grid of March and then get back to my contacts photos. They have been so good about commenting my stuff.

I have been spending some time looking at some of Cyrus' new photo upload site, stuff. Man, it is looking sooooo good. That site is going to be huge. And exciting. Its going to be well worth the wait. We will be able to add YouTube videos, so this is why I was spending time on YouTube. Haven't signed up yet, but will soon.

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