I am finally getting around to tweaking my photos for the December Grid Project group on Flickr. After seeing Dr. Donna I walked and walked, again.. down Pandora to Oak Bay and over to the hospital and back on Fort Street. New stops this time. The Kokopelli characters are at Delicado's. The Elves in the window of Dig This and the door, window, mail box is at Country Comforts.
A lot has happened since I took these just a few days ago. I have been busy.. Christmas party, and out to Butchart Gardens for dinner with Sheas... we walked after dinner and saw the lights. It was magical. My photos, of course, are crap, cause I didn't take my tripod to dinner. There has been the finish of the Grow op matter. Stressful but interesting. Dinner out after the first day, at Swans, with Lloyd. After the second day I was just exhausted and went to bed and slept at 8:30. This is what stress can do. Its a real killer. Good thing I have a few weeks before my next blood tests for Dr.D. or I am sure I would be right off the charts, again.
I have made shortbread and have most everything else ready for our Christmas. No rum balls made... we should be ok with christmas pudding and rum sauce.
I really should get sending email christmas cards to friends... my email is backed up too. Oh well, tomorrow should be another good day for this.