Thursday, May 03, 2007

Reflecting downtown

I was down to see Dr. C. yesterday morning and found this to shoot. It was a cloudy day. I had bags of shopping, so did not do a lot of shooting. Some of my blood counts were down on the last test. Just 2 of them were at the usual level. They were just down a bit, but I guess it was enough to make her think about putting off taking a pint of blood from me to relieve the thick blood situation. This time she said I am a conundrum. :)) The only thing I could think of to tell her that I was doing different was that I was out gardening... more exercise. But I also have been using less soap in the laundry. So I will keep that up too. If I have a fungal infection or an allergy it might explain some of the high counts, but not all, I don't think.

I did not get out to the garden yesterday, but today I got the second storm damaged globe cedar out and also dug up more violets. I transplanted the hens and chickens sedum, the white thing (like arabis but more woody -- forget its name) by the cement planter along the driveway. The renovations are coming along nicely, but slowly. I should think about getting the vegetable gardens seeds planted soon. Its going to get pretty warm soon.

I signed up for a membership to the CWCW today with a $52.00 tax deductable receipt. I was surprised at how much of our old growth forest is gone... clear cut and we now have all the nice trees at the same height coming up everywhere and are losing our natural habitat for many species.

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