Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ice Art

My patio table on the deck gathers a thin layer of water. I can look out my window and see if its raining a lot or a bit with the amount of drops hitting the water. I see it froze lightly last nite. It is about 5 degrees celcius now and the ice is just beginning to melt. Not a great day to drive, as there may well be black ice on the roads.


Anonymous said...

Cold here too in Monterey. I moved here from Missouri with a promise to myself that I never wanted to see my breath again unless I chose to do so. Sheesh!

Maggie said...

Oh well, there are some things I miss from the Canadian Prairies too.. hoar frost and northern lights. But I prefer the rain to the white stuff you have to shovel. Let it stay in the East.

Wingnut said...

Hi Maggie, I am here from montereyjohn's blog, he is correct, you have a lovely eye and such a talent! Great stuff here, I will come back and check in once in a while!