I have been spending quite a lot of time find picture frames in Paintshop Pro and in Photoshop. The one above is from Paintshop Pro. To find it go to image/picture frame and choose from the list by clicking on the thumbnail of a frame that appears. I find most of the frames in PSP to be too big and really rather lame. I cropped this frame from top and bottom to make the actual photo more prominent. The crocuses are from February 24, 2019, after the big snow fall was mostly melted and gone, but the temperatures were cooler. The temperature still remains colder now. It seems colder than January for the last 2 weeks, with over night light frosts, sun in the day, but no clouds or rain.

I made this drop shadow in Photoshop. Make a new layer by copy, add some canvas size. Then do a selection of the picture, right click the layer to get the blending options then proceed to make the drop shadow using the parameters you see in the drop shadow menu. This process can make shadows for objects, depending on what you use as the selection. I need to explore this application a bit more. Also need to review the method of creating reflections, as the last time I tried that it made an excellent, real looking reflection of a car in a wet road. This is a photo of my Christmas Cactus that has been in bloom for at least a month, and is still producing blossoms. I see that my light pink Christmas cactus now has buds, too. They are more like Easter cactuses. It really helps to feed these these house plants. I must pay attention to feeding my potted plants in the spring and summer too.

This frame was an edge frame in Paintshop Pro. It shredded the edge of the picture, added the matting and the outer frame. Color choices are available for the pictures. I chose black and white to simplify my learning curve. In Paintshop the picture frames are easily deleted and tray different ones. When I used Paintshop I accidentally marked it to make Paintshop as the default program for all the jpegs, dng, etc Took me a while to figure that one out. The photo is the David in the recent February 10 snowfall. There was even more snow on the 11th and onward. Pictures of the big snowfall of 2019 to follow.

This frame is from Photoshop. Go to Actions, find the frame and highlight it, then click the little arrow icon at the bottom of the actions menu. The frame just makes itself. I guess matting could be added before the frame by using image/canvas size and filling in a suitable color and size. The photo is the Heron in the Cuthbert Holmes Park in the Colquitz River; shooting from the Dysart Bridge; for the Victoria Grid on Flickr.
This is the wood frame from Photoshop, used on the photo of the Humble Administrators Garden in Suzhou, China, taken during our trip to China in March/April, 2012. It is a spectacular Garden.
Another photo from the Humble Administrators Garden. I seem to have some pretty good photos from that trip using the little Canon powershot S31S. That little camera uses double AA batteries which are always available so does not need to have a charged up battery. I also have some attachments for that camera. It has a nice sharp lens. I really must revive it and use it again. I really must find the time to do up that album for my web page, too. Need more time... ah well... if wishes were horses.....
This Photo Corners frame was in Photoshop. This is from February 3 when it is just beginning to snow.