Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Orgeon Coast from 2006
Three more photos that I have processed from the RAW photos of our 2006 trip to the Grand Canyon, mentioned in my previous post.
I find that I have used: You are currently using 500 MB (48.83%) of your 1024 MB. of my space on this blog. To find out how much space you have used on your blogger go to the dashboard. At the bottom you will see Picasa Web Albums. When you click on that, if you go to the bottom of that page you will see how much space you have used. I am afraid to look at the rest of the stuff in there. :-}
I have my comments moderated. Recently I am getting the same old spam posting to the same day's post on my blog from 2 spam spewers. From what I am reading on the internet about these blog spammers, I am fortunate to only have 2 repeaters. I have to moderate them almost every day. Trying to report them to blogger is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. On the guestbook on my old old web page I can block any IP from future comments. The offending commentator just disappears, never to be heard from again. Now, this guestbook is not a highly recognizable place, as is blogspot. I wonder why it is so difficult to implement something like this on blogspot. Is there anyone out there who has written a script that we could add to our blogs to do this block/ban?
Posted by
12/23/2009 10:11:00 PM
Labels: Blogger space limits, oregon coast
Some photos from 2006
A few of the photos from our March 2006 trip to the Grand Canyon, in our first Dodge Lodge (Camper van). I was using my old Canon Powershot A50 in the RAW mode to shoot these photos, so I am attempting to process them into jpegs. I will eventually load them to my old web page, and probably to my travel albums on the new site. Some of these might be a bit over done as I am playing with a cross process filter in photoshop. The RAW files are dismal.
I have made a double batch of shortbread - - tomorrow the christmas pudding, the feast to follow the next day.
Posted by
12/23/2009 02:34:00 PM
Labels: Grand Canyon
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Photo of a photo
This is a photo of a photograph at the Tillamook air museum. This is the construction of one of the hanger to house the dirigibles used in World War II. I took this photo of a photo that hangs in the museum, when we were on our trip to the Grand Canyon in 2006.
Posted by
12/22/2009 11:07:00 PM
Labels: Tillamook air museum
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The trip of the horrible weather of 2009
These photos are primarily of the Melger Bridge that spans the Columbia River between Washington and Astoria, Oregon. We had some fierce weather on this 5 day trip. We drove down from Port Angeles to Astoria. We drove through a blizzard, torrential rain, fog, sleet. I was having fits. We get to Astoria in the dark. Dan fixes our pump in the camper van. It needed to be primed. It seems you need to take it apart to do this. We had dinner earlier at a seafood place. .. a few other unmentionable adventures on this day.
The next day, after a big breakfast, we stop at the Maritime Museum. Nice photo stop, but the weather is dismal. We all get jackets from the gift shop as they are having a sale. Now we look like quadruplets. We carry on to Camp 18.. a fantastic log restuarant with old logging machinery, carvings, and all kinds of unusual things to see. I have the best beef stew I have ever had at this place. After lunch we follow a narrow, winding, scenic road to Tillamook We visit the cheese factory. We find a campground, and go to dinner in their airstream, as they have to bring the dog along or it might disturb the campground.
Next day is Tillamook to Lincoln City, after seeing the Tillamook air museum. We try to see Munson falls but the road is blocked by a fallen tree and the weather is rainy. We stop at the 'artichoke lady's' shop to see some different stuff from the usual tourist trap stuff. I get a cute little teddy bear. We get to Lincoln City and have a roadside viewpoint discussion. My photos did NOT turn out! We decide to go to Devil's Lake State Park to camp. We get hooked up and all manage a quiet time for about an hour before we go out to dinner. Very windy. I have crab in avocado that is delicious, at Moe's. Pat helps them get their water heater running. Nice campsite.
Next day we head for McMinville in torrential rains. We see the Spruce Goose at the Evergreen museum. Again, my photos are not good at all. After lunch at the museum we head up the I5 to and through Portland. We arrive at Lacey, and after a big disappointment about allowing friends into the Airstream campground, we get set up there. The place is practically empty. To dinner at a Ruby Tuesdays and then back to sleep early as we are going to have an early start to get home the next day to catch our ferry at 2:00.
Up at 7:00 and on the road, with a later breakfast. To Cyrs and pick up Pat's car parts and to the ferry with time to spare. Finally home. What a trip!!
Posted by
12/20/2009 10:23:00 PM
Labels: astoria orgeon, melger bridge
Friday, December 18, 2009
Some Ice
This is how the waterfall in my garden pond looked about 10 days ago. Since then the weather has warmed to above freezing and is just raining lightly.
We are just back from 6 days traveling in our camper van with Cyrs and Hagar in their airstream. We left the day of the big storm, of course. I was having fits driving down and by Shelton I was well ready to hole up in a hotel until this passed. But Dan insisted we drive through the storm and get further south where there was no more snow. . . which we did, despite my protests. We camped south of Astoria the first night. . . more with pictures later, maybe.
Posted by
12/18/2009 09:43:00 PM
Labels: Frozen waterfall
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mount Baker, Cormorants and more Jellyfish

Cormorants and Mount Baker
It did not get above freezing today. The hole in the ice of the tub on the deck that I made yesterday is of course frozen over. That ice appears to be about 4 - 5 inches thick. The waterfall on the pond has formed a sheet of ice in front of the waterfall and the water is running behind this 'window' of ice. About half of the pond is open because of the constantly running water. It is not too slippery out, as we are not getting rain or snow with this cold weather. Count your blessings! Some people are still having power outages... not sure why, as the winds are no longer blowing great gusts.
Posted by
12/10/2009 10:47:00 PM
Labels: jelly fish, mount baker
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Ocean Discovery Center
We spent a very enjoyable 2 - 3 hours at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Center this afternoon. Fascinating creatures. There is such a great diversity of life in the ocean. The center is located at 9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, BC. It's a treat to have a look around Sidney, also. We went here after a scrumptious seafood chowder at Mary's cafe. This Cafe is out by the Airport and has a long history and photos to prove it. What a lovely day we had today, despite the coolish weather. We are so fortunate.
I now have two hummingbird feeders. One to put out in the morning while I bring the other in the thaw. The little birds are still around and feeding in this weather. I hope they have a warm place to spend the night.
Posted by
12/08/2009 07:55:00 PM
Labels: jelly fish, Ocean Discovery Center, star fish
Saturday, December 05, 2009
More air plant
Over yesterday and today the Air plant grew another little bloom and the first one is dying. I measured it as you can see, the blooms are about 2 inches long.
We are having high gusts of wind and the lights are blinking a bit. Our power may go out. We have electrical heat and it is a bit chilly out. The weather forecast was calling for a bit of snow, but changed their minds.
Posted by
12/05/2009 08:36:00 PM
Friday, December 04, 2009
The fantastic air plant

Today, I spent most of the day hangin' out with Pat. Good mullagatawny and nan bread for lunch. An unforgetable experience at the 'no hands' car wash. I should have had the movie mode on for the wax phase. As you can see, it doesn't take much to amuse me.
Last evening we enjoyed dinner with Marlene and Art... thanks so much. Was good to see you and catch up on everything.
On the new site we can make our own slide show, now, and embed it into other sites. I will wait a day or two before I add it on my blog. There are probably a few more bugs for them to fix before it is ready. I understand we will have the ability to add music, also. This is so fun!
Posted by
12/04/2009 08:48:00 PM
Labels: air plant, bromeliad, tillandsia
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Learning new photo Editor

Yesterday, I raked more leaves and got most of the violets weeded out of the moss garden. Those violets have rather large root systems. No wonder they keep coming back... I haven't been getting all of the roots out.
I am going to load my travel photos to our new site. For the last few days I have been attempting to organize my galleries in that regard. The new photo editor is going to be a big help once I learn how to run it easily. I could not adjust this photo in photoshop quite as nicely as the Virtual Studio has done it. Well, there is a lot I don't know about either program, but this one is working well for me so far.
Posted by
12/02/2009 12:11:00 AM