Russian River Cruise - Day 11 - May 22

A good website for photos of the fountains at the Peterhof
At home today the man from the Kitchen Design place was to see what I wanted done. He was referred to us by 2 people. I think he is going to be very very good! I will have oak cabinets, a new wardrobe, wine rack and shelves with pull out drawers along behind the cabinets that are there now. There will be a new china cabinet and storage shelves with pull out drawers along the wall between the living room and my computer room. New lighting, flooring and paint. I am thinking of having them do a 'garden window' over the sink, also. It might get a bit spendy, but hey, you can't take it with you! Dean had me copy my drawings for what I wanted. He did measurements and helped me a lot with design ideas and materials. I should call him in a few days to see what the damage might be and what the time window for getting it done might be. I am really quite excited about this new kitchen stuff!!