Date taken: Oct. 28/06, 1/800 sec., F/4.0, ISO: 200
Pat called Mike today about the BMW, since Mike had expressed an interest in the car if we ever sold it. We will see Mike in a couple of days as he will be over to Victoria on business. The guys decided I should do some photos of the car and send to Pam. So, here is one of my photos from the assignment.
I think I added too much contrast to this rendition of the photo as the car seems to have gone a bit sepia colored. It is totally white and clean, in actual fact. I like how the background turned out to be darker and slightly blurred so that the car shows up nicely. It was cloudy and yet I still get a bright spot on the window from the sun. I don't mind that too much. I actually like those flares. This one is almost as though I had a CS filter on the lens. I am shooting in 'P' mode and doing my own settings. ISO was 100 for this, I think, and the white balance cloudy, with the exposure compensation at 0.
Back to my other assignment--the ironing. I am almost finished and caught up with housework since our trip.
Pat picked apples and we made a pie a couple of days ago. My cold still hangs on, so I am not going outside until its gone. The weather has been fine, though.
I dropped off my Velvia at the lab on Wednesday, should have it back by next Wednesday. Hope my star trails worked. I hate waiting to find out.
I did my lab tests for Dr. C and Dr. S earlier this week also and see Dr. C on the 31st. Yvette said she wanted to see me in full dress for the day. Wish I had a pumpkin costume. :) Maybe I should get one.