Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Topsy Turvey
Spent 4 hours vacuuming, scrubbing and light dusting today. Went right into the cooking mode as soon as I finished the cleaning. I made the most scrumptious meatballs and sauce for with our spaghetti. plus the red wine.. perfect. The Cyrs arrive a week from Thursday, so I should be ready.
I have been learning a few things on my PS CS - bits at a time and getting more and more pictures sorted, but nothing ready to load to my page yet.
I am just devouring a book I have purchased. I should get time to read it tomorrow. After my appointment in the Nuclear Center, I go back in a couple of hours again and they recharge my batteries or whatever it is they do. This all should be interesting. My Ultrasound did not show anything to be alarmed about. Ha. I keep telling them I am not sick.
Fran was pleased with the prints I sent to her. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!
Posted by
8/29/2005 09:20:00 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Lite Garden
I just spent 3 1/2 hours cleaning up the light garden and the orchids and african violets. It looks much better.
We are getting bits of rain today, so hopefully our drought is over and things will green up again.
Posted by
8/28/2005 02:45:00 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Genoa Bay Rocks
Love this place. They serve scrumptious seafood at the cafe, also. There wasn't much new at the Gallery this time. The Elizabeth Jane was tied up and a few others that are becoming familiar. The artistic kayak and dingy were there.
Posted by
8/27/2005 08:42:00 PM
Here's lookin' at ya!
Here's lookin' at ya from Genoa Bay. Yesterday we went up to Genoa Bay on the BMW motorcycle for lunch.
Picked up my TMax of the old brick buildings downtown. All too bright. Should have had the exposure compensation at least 3 stops darker. There is one, maybe 2 that are any good. Nothing spectacular.
I have more strawberries and brandy and blackberries to add to the the rum pot today. That pot is getting pretty full!
Posted by
8/27/2005 10:12:00 AM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I have one little orchid in bloom right now. Its nice to see these Dendro- biums blooming agin. They are not a showy flower, but delicate, with more subtle colors.
2 days ago I printed the family pictures for Pat. I had some timely help from Leslie in using my 1280. She sure saved me a lot of time and frustration in getting rid of the jaggies and learning a few things about resolution, etc. Thanks Leslie, if you see this!
Last nite I filled all the water gardens and watered around a bit.
Posted by
8/23/2005 02:01:00 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
Site Meter
Got my hit counter to work today.
There was a glorious sunset tonite, but I did not get my camera in time, so this sunset of a couple of weeks ago is almost equal to tonite's show. I was filling all the water gardens and watering a bit. We are on water rationing. My days to water are Wednesday and Saturday.. from 4 to 7 am and 7 to 10 pm. Otherwise, handheld hoses.
I have added about 4 more cups of plums & sugar to the rumpot and the rest of the brandy.
Posted by
8/22/2005 04:19:00 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
Minature Water Lily
This lovely little lily is blooming in my water garden on the deck. I could not get any of the goldfish to attend the photography session. I took this shot mid day, very bright sun, shading the flower with my shadow.
I added 2 cups of blueberries, and 2 cups strawberries with the sugar and brandy needed to the rum pot today. The big rum pot is now about half full. I will probably add more black berries and perhaps more plums.
Posted by
8/19/2005 08:27:00 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Some photos for "my town' on my web page
A week ago, I walked back from my Dr. appointment and got a few good pictures on the way.
Today, I moved the rum pot into the larger pot as the other was almost full and I have yet to add strawberries, blueberries, and more black berries. It takes quite a lot of brandy to cover the fruit in this big pot.
Two days ago it rained about 1/2 an inch overnite. It is hot again.
Posted by
8/18/2005 07:06:00 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
On Friday last, we joined the group of Old Car and Hot Rodders that gather at the Royal Oak Mall and tour to the Port of Victoria where the cruice ships dock. There was a grand sunset!
I got my 2 rolls of color film back from the lab today. There is not much on them. One or two shots worth noting, when ever I get around to scanning them in. The TMax is at the lab. Bought some more film - color for the Holga and a Velvia for the 35mm.
I got a smaller rum pot today and Pat got some brandy for me. This pot holds almost 4 litres.. it is almost full of plums and blackberries. I will need the larger pot if I am going to add strawberries, cherries and blueberries, and perhaps more blackberries.
The plums are very very ripe and falling off the tree. We have had 52 days without rain, and some very hot temperatures. We seem to be in a drought. We are still on water rationing, but our water reserve was at about 70% last time I saw anything about it in the paper.
Posted by
8/15/2005 09:37:00 PM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
August Dragon Boat Races and Victoria
I spent the afternoon downtown with my 35 mm Canon EOS Elan 7e and my little Canon digital It was a hot, very sunny day. This is the sunken Knot Garden in Centennial Square. One of my better digital shots. I hope the 35mm was better able to handle the bright light. I used up the TMax (black & white), a Fuji Superia 200, and a Fuji Superia 400. I was trying to shoot old brick buildings in the Capital Iron area of town with the black and white. I used the color films on more buildings and on the Dragon Boat races in the Inner Harbor. I do not have very high hopes for any of these, considering how my digitals turned out.
Posted by
8/13/2005 09:24:00 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
August Fruit preserving
The tree is loaded with plums this year. I have found a rum pot recipe and hope to get one started in a day or two, using plums and black berries, for starters.
Two days ago I picked a bag of plums and froze 6 1/2 pints of plum sauce. The tree is just loaded with fruit and its all ready. We have been eating fresh plums with frozen yogurt for dinner every night. Yummm.
Today I picked a 3.3 kg pail of blackberries, washed and froze 3 litres for pies. I must call Sheila and tell her the blackberries are ready. There are lots of green ones to come yet. So, maybe the end of next week.
I got another 256 mp CF card for my camera, ink for the Epson 1280, and batteries for the Canon EOS Elan 7e. London Drugs sells used cameras. Hmmmmm..
Its a week since we got back from our trip. We seem to have done so many things at home in the last week. I am reading War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. A good oldie.
Posted by
8/11/2005 07:15:00 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
We are just back from our trip to the Ford Model T Inter- national Meet at Cochrane, Alberta. There were T's there from all over the US. The tours were mostly long days, well organized, scrumptious food, good company, but some crummy weather. We were caught in a hail storm upon returning to the hotel after our feast of barbequed pig.
This photo is shot from our 1915 T Speedster (no roof, no doors, no windshield) This is in Kananaski country. Beautiful scenery, but we did not have time for photo stops.
After the meet we continued on to Wadena, Sask. for the Town's centennial homecoming and spent a week there. We returned home via the Fraser Canyon - old No. 1 road. More spectacular scenery, but no official photo stops, again, as we have to get home asap. Good trip!
We missed the chemical spill at Lake Wabamun, but saw the beginnings of the forest fire at Spences Bridge.
Posted by
8/07/2005 03:23:00 PM